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The ideal course for team development. Why? Because Goleman's study on 'outstanding performers' concluded that EI is twice as important as technical or intellectual skills. Increasing competencies in perception, understanding and our ability to act on that information helps us look after and motivate ourselves and our colleagues.

 This one-day course covers:

·       self-awareness (being aware of our feelings, thoughts and beliefs; confidence)

·       self-management (self-control, adaptability, motivation)

·       social awareness (perceptions, listening, empathy)

·       relationship-management (rapport, impact, influence, dealing with change)

DATE: 12th June 2019

TIME: 9.30am to 4.30pm

VENUE:  Central London TBC


Lisa Lloyd is a qualified chartered psychologist and psychotherapist. She set up It’s Time for Change to enable people to thrive and increase their capability by focusing on resilience, emotional intelligence and wellbeing. She works with individuals, groups and organisations within the public sector and the corporate world. Together with clients she develops knowledge, skills and processes to help people achieve their full potential by being emotionally and socially smart.

 Using a combination of psychological, therapeutic and coaching tools, her approach is underpinned by the premise that putting good emotional health and skills first improves outcomes at all levels. She enables organisations to work in an emotionally intelligent way that promotes a positive sense of team, purpose and wellbeing, alongside being confident to support colleagues experiencing mental health problems. Her holistic, collaborative approach is based on establishing strong relationships and understanding needs in order to develop appropriate support.

COST: Member £350 / Non-Member £400