Dare to #DoDifferent?

The #DoDifferent Awards are for those who dare to step outside the confining comfort of conventionality and do something brilliantly new.

What’s Different About The #DoDifferent Awards?

These awards single-mindedly celebrate the people who are championing innovation and originality. Research suggests  that clients are looking for agencies that aren’t afraid to step outside of the norm. Equally agencies are looking for clients who are prepared to invest in transformational ideas.


Congratulations to #DoDifferent Winners and Finalists 2018

Our #DoDifferent Winners and Finalists represent a powerful showcase of work, selected from over 175 entries by over 120 senior clients and agency leaders, as fearless campaigns that push the line and are 'of the moment'.



Judging Panel Highlights.

Research suggests that clients are looking for agencies that aren’t afraid to challenge convention. Equally agencies are looking for clients who are prepared to buy transformational ideas.

The #DoDifferent Awards reward those agencies who have the courage, the skills of persuasion and talent to pull off something that no one has done before.

 Watch our video to see the highlights of the #DoDifferent Awards 2018.


#DoDifferent - Watch this Space. Announcements to follow.